How Much Raw Food Should I Feed My Dog?

raw or dried dog food

Raw Dog Food for Beginners

How Much Raw Food Should I Feed My Dog?

Is raw food good for my dog? How much raw food do I feed my dog? Get answers to all your raw food questions in our raw dog food for beginners guide!

If your dog is struggling with allergies, weight, digestive issues, or other common conditions that affect dogs, feeding a raw dog food diet might be just the answer you are looking for.

Many dog owners have come away from Kibble to raw dog foods as a solution for their pet dog, and the results have been amazing. Feeding your dog raw is as nature intended, means that they will get all the nutrients from sources that their bodies are designed to digest much easily, leading to improved overall health for your precious pet.

If you are looking for honest answers whether to convert to raw dog food, then this guide is for you. You will be able to understand why everyone is so obsessed with raw feeding and be able to decide if feeding the best raw dog food is right for your pet.

What is a Raw Food Diet for my pet dog

How many raw food options for feeding my dog?

Can you feed your dog raw meat?

Is raw food diets for dogs better for dogs than traditional dog foods like dry or canned?

What is the best raw dog food in Leicester?

We can answer all your queries, but first, you need to understand what raw dog food is.

Raw dog food basically a raw food diet (uncooked) itā€™s uncooked or raw dog food. However, itā€™s more than just plenty of raw ingredients. Itā€™s the idea of feeding your pet foods the way their ancestors ate. The way that they are anatomically designed to eat meat and vegetables.

Dogs and cats are full of carnivore traits from historically several hundred years. From teeth to tails, they are built for digesting the best meat, bone, and organ meats.

Itā€™s a misunderstanding that raw food for dogs is only meat products. Thatā€™s a large part of it, but the best raw diet for dogs must contain all of their essential nutrients, so muscle meat, organs, bones, and even a little vegetation may be needed to help them their digestu=ive health thrive

You canā€™t feed your dog a high-quality raw mince meat and call it a day; you have to ensure that the dog’s diet is nutritionally balanced. Incomplete or unbalanced diets can cause lifelong health problems from deficiencies.

This guide we have compiled will help you get to grips with feeding a raw diet and how it will help you dog get all it’s essential ingredients.

working dog raw foods

Should I cook raw dog food?

Is feeding your dog raw food diet a good idea?

Allergies, obesity, diabetes, and even canine cancer are more common than ever, and your dog’s diet may have a lot to do with that. The increase in these life-threatening diseases has made us look further to find ways to prevent and treat our dogs naturally.

Which is why feeding your canine friend 100% high-quality raw dog food meat can have a positive affect for your dogs health,

Below are 6 reasons a raw dog food diet will improve your dogs health.

1. Eliminate all junk food

cut all Junk food, sugar, processed foods, and the pollutants and chemicals that come hand-in-hand with mass-produced raw dog food are getting harder to avoid, especially in pet best food.

Look for diets that use high quality ingredients, easy to digest and support your dog’s long-term health, but in heavily processed diets, like kibble and canned, there is still alot of information required for dog owners when it comes to knowing what’s really in your dog’s diet and nutrition.

Feeding raw dog food mea such as chicken, beef, turkey lets you gain control of your dog’s nutrition by cutting out the hidden ingredients and additives and replacing them with highly digestible nutrients from fresh, real best food.

Better nutrition leads to better skin and coat, healthier joints, improved digestion, and better weight management.

2. Fad or Fake food

It’s easy to get swept up in fad pet diets; vegan, keto and the constant battle with grains and no grains, are just a sample of the diets circulating in the world of pet food.

When it comes to your dogā€™s health, you must get educated in their nutritional requirements and realise your dog is biologically different.

A dogs body is built to take raw dog food and would have in their ancestory days, kibble and canned dog food is merely a convenience for us humans. This concept is called a ā€œbiologically appropriate diet.ā€

We’ll admit that “biologically appropriate” is a bit of a heavy phrase used to get your attention, it refers to their Wolf ancestor’s who in the wild ate purely raw meat wich they predated in the wild.

3. Carnivores and scavangers

Dogs are classified as omnivores, they can survive on both plants/meat’s, but ancestor history and anatomy tell us a compleley different story.

Our argument is that (canines) dogs are scavenging carnivores.

Scavenging carnivores can adapt to the nutrients around them and therefore would eat meat first and plants if there is nothing else available to consume

They roam wild for raw prey and eat what is available. Dogs can survive on just plant materials alone if they really have to, but thrive on a diet made from raw processed animal protein.

If your dog sticks to their carnivorous roots it can therefore prevent common health problems like diabetes, obesity, and other life-threatening diseases linked to inappropriate diets and poor-quality ingredients.

4. Your canine friend is actually a Carnivore

To understand the benefits of feeding your dog raw diet for dogs, you need to know how your dog digests pet food free range.

Below are some ideas which explain about your dogs anatomy.

Their mouth

Digestion starts in your dog’s mouth. The simple act of chewing sets dogs apart from other animals that are best suited to eating plant materials. Saliva and their teeth shape.

Dogs don’t require the digestive enzyme Amylase in their saliva. Omnivores, like humans, secrete Amylase to breakdown the carbs in dry dog foods. Without Amylase, dry foods or carb foods can be more challenging for their bodies to digest.

Omnivores have flatter and broader molars that allow them to grind grains, grass, and other plant material to begin the digestion process. Dog teeth fit together like scissors and are not meant for grinding but for tearing and slicing flesh.

5. Meat FREE is possible, but we don’t recommend

Contradictory we know based on this article, your dog could survive on a plant based diet like ourselves but you would need to know the ins and outs of nutrition to make sure your dog gets all the nutrients he requires from his diet.

We get so used to trusting labels with pretty marketing packaging without looking deeper into the actual food an may miss something our dog would be lacking with canned dog food especially.

Meat provides the best source of essential nutrients, such as amino acids and omega fatty acids. A plant-based diet, you would need to source nutrients from a larger spectrum of ingredients to get what you would get from one animal source.

  • Some nutrients, like taurine, are extremely difficult to source from plants in the right quantities. Synthetic supplements can be added, but they are not as easy to absorb and digest as taurine from a natural food source.

  • Plant-based diets are lower in protein. While this isn’t a big deal for all dogs, it does mean that there is less protein to assist in muscle maintenance or growth. This can lead to obesity issues in dogs and muscle loss that can affect joints and connective tissues.

  • 6. Remember dogs are Carnivores

    Stomach is the final stage for your carnivirous dog. Your dog’s stomach is much more acidic than humans and omnivores, which allows them to handle the bacteria found in raw dog food meat and break down bone and connective tissues. So if you have wondered why they can eat Chicken as a raw dog food that is the reason.

    Dogs stomach cavity is much larger than ours, it is designed to hold raw dog food for longer periods. This stomach acid breaks down the raw dog food and edible bone into chyme and reduces the bacteria to more manageable levels.

    Chyme is  slimey mixture, stomach acids, and digestive juices that is ready to move to the intestines for further breakdown, absorption, and excretion.

    So your dog can much easily digest raw dog food such as Beef, Chicken or even Turkey much quicker and more efficiently.

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